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KeLi Loadcell

KeLi Loadcell

Since 2004 Loadcells manufactured by Keli Loadcells which is one of the largest Loadcell manifacturers in China are distrubuted by Pro-C Elektronik. With direct stock sales, we are able to provide fast and accurate solutions. Ease of assembly is also provided by connection kits that come with the products. In this pages you can find technical documents about Keli Loadcell products.

KeLi Loadcell product groups can be found here »



Vipa GmbH was founded in 1985 in Germany and it has built-up as an automation engineering system house. At the and of its perennial r&d research, it continues the production of the operator panel, PLC-PLC modules as applicable for all purpose and it continues to realiser production the other adjunct tool that they need and extend its market share by breaking through in the industrial automation sector.

Vipa GmbH which breaks ground in the market of PLC by producing the fastest PLC of the world with the technology of Speed7 play an important role with his agency in 54 countries of the world and its investment industrial.

In the product family of VIPA;

  • Micro PLC's improved for the applets (system 100V - 200V),
  • Mini PLC's improved fort he large and medium scaled applications (system 300V),
  • Macro PLC's improved for the large scaled applications (system 300S),
  • PC based controller (system 500V),
  • Fieldbus slave modules, digital, analog input and output
  • The other automation equipments and accessory devices
  • Operator's control panel (HML)

VIPA PLC product groups can be found here »

PULS Güç Kaynakları

PULS Power Supply

PULS manufactures DIN-rail switched-mode power supplies, with a focus on standard units. The privately owned and managed company is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

As a reliable partner and manufacturer of switched mode power supplies at the forefront of technology, PULS GmbH supports its demanding customers in the world's industry by supplying the highest quality. The company's innovative ideas in electronic development, together with the highly functional mechanical design, put PULS into a leading technological position.

There are 3 types of series of Puls power supplies. These are:

  • Dimension series
  • SilverLine series
  • MiniLine series

PULS Power Supply product groups can be found here »

LAPP Group

LAPP Group

The Lapp Group, its center has been located in Germany, has the 24 production plants and 56 sale companies in 19 countries of the world. It is the leader of the world in the matter of flexible wire. The flexible joint and control wire invented by Oscar Lapp in 1957 has been a revolutionary invention in the field of wire. All type wire, wire joint part and wire accessories needed by the industrial groups put into service to users in the brands of ÖLFLEX®, UNITRONIC®, HITRONIC®, EPIC®, SKINTOP®, FLEXIMARK®, LUMBERG®. We are Pro-C Elektrik Elektronik Mak.Ltd.Sti. use and sell the wire of Lapp. We can offer fast and effective solutions to our customers with our sales from the stock. The fastest wire delivery is provided by Lapp wire from abroad with 10 or 15 days delivery times for the wires special to the process that are not founded in domestic.